Table of Contents
1. 感知器(Perception)
1.1. 何謂感知器
Perceptron is a single layer neural network and a multi-layer perceptron is called Neural Networks(神經網路).
收到多個輸入訊號之後,再當作一個訊號輸出,如圖1所示,\(x_1, x_2\)為輸入訊號,\(y\)為輸出訊號,\(w_1, w_2\)代表權重(weight),圖中的圓圈稱為「神經元」或稱作「節點」。神經元\(x_1, x_2\)的訊號是否會觸發神經元\(y\)使其輸出訊號則取決於\(w_1x_1+w_2x_2\)是否會超過某個臨界值\(\theta\)。
Figure 1: 收到兩組輸入訊號的感知器
\begin{equation} \label{orga03fea4} y = \begin{cases} 0, & \text w_1x_1+w_2x_2 \leq 0 \\ 1, & \text w_1x_1 + w_2x_2 > 0 \end{cases} \end{equation}1.2. 感知器工作原理
1.2.1. Version #1: 使用weight
感知器(perceptron)是人造神經元(artificial neuron)的一種,也是最基本的一種。它接受一些輸入,產生一個輸出。
Figure 2: Perceptron version 1
- 這種架構的輸入/輸出關係為線性
- 神經網路中再多的線性perceptron叠加,仍為線性
- 無法解決 線性不可分 的問題
線性可分 v.s. 線性不可分
Figure 4: Kernal function mapping
1.2.2. Version #2: 加入bias
Figure 5: Perceptron version 2
- 不加 bias 你的分類線(面)就必須過原點,這顯然是不靈活的
- 透過bias,可以將NN進行左右調整,以適應(fit)更多情況
- 可以將bias視為一個activate perceptron的threshold
- bias也可以視為當輸入均為0時的輸出值
- 從仿生學的角度,刺激生物神經元使它興奮需要刺激強度超過一定的閾值,同樣神經元模型也仿照這點設置了bias
1.2.3. Version #3: 加入activation function
加入activation function,至為什麼要加這個,請直接看下一節的Story of gate。
Figure 6: Perceptron version 3
1.3. 能做什麼
2. Story of gate: From perceptron to MLP
2.1. OR gate實作
Figure 7: 分類任務:問題
2.1.1. 想法
最簡單的分類方式是在A和B中間直接找條直線(\(w_1x_1+w_2x_2+b=0\))就可以將A和B完整切出兩個區塊,然後再搭配階梯函數(step function)將>0與<=0分別設為1與0,用來代表類別0與1。該直線方程式如下:
\begin{equation} \label{orgd0f8fff} y = \begin{cases} 1, & w_1x_1 + w_2x_2-b>0 \\ 0, & w_1x_1 + w_2x_2-b\leq0 \\ \end{cases} \end{equation}2.1.2. Solution
Figure 8: 分類任務:Solution
如果畫成Perceptron(version 3)的圖:
Figure 9: Perceptron presentation
\begin{align*} A(0,1) \rightarrow y &= f(0,1) = f(1\times0+1\times1-0.5) = f(0.5) = 1 \\ A(1,0) \rightarrow y &= f(1,0) = f(1\times1+1\times0–0.5) = f(0.5) = 1\\ A(1,1) \rightarrow y &= f(1,1) = f(1\times1+1\times1–0.5) = f(1.5) = 1\\ B(0,0) \rightarrow y &= f(0,0) = f(1\times0+1\times0–0.5) = f(-0.5) = 0\\ \end{align*}2.1.3. OR gate
2.1.4. Python實作
上述 OR gate的python實作如下
1: import numpy as np 2: 3: def step_function(x): 4: return np.array(x>0, int) 5: 6: def OR(x1, x2): 7: x = np.array([x1, x2]) 8: w = np.array([1, 1]) 9: b = -0.5 10: theta = 0 11: y = np.sum(w*x) + b 12: return step_function(y) 13: 14: print("0 OR 0 -> ", OR(0,0)) 15: print("0 OR 1 -> ", OR(0,1)) 16: print("1 OR 0 -> ", OR(1,0)) 17: print("1 OR 1 -> ", OR(1,1))
0 OR 0 -> 0 0 OR 1 -> 1 1 OR 0 -> 1 1 OR 1 -> 1
2.2. [課堂作業]AND、NAND Gate實作 TNFSH
上述範例中,我們以瞎貓精神找出了一組solution解決了OR gate的分類問題,請比照辦理,以Python實作出以下兩個gate: AND, NAND。
2.2.1. AND
已知AND gate真值表如下
A | B | A AND B |
0 | 0 | 0 |
0 | 1 | 0 |
1 | 0 | 0 |
1 | 1 | 1 |
2.2.2. NAND
已知NAND gate真值表如下
A | B | A NAND B |
0 | 0 | 1 |
0 | 1 | 1 |
1 | 0 | 1 |
1 | 1 | 0 |
3. 單層感知器的極限與多層感知器: XOR gate
A | B | A XOR B |
0 | 0 | 0 |
0 | 1 | 1 |
1 | 0 | 1 |
1 | 1 | 0 |
Figure 11: XOR Gate
到目前為止,透過權重及偏權值可以設計 AND、NAND、OR, 但無法完成 XOR。顯然,若要再以感知器來模擬其運作原理,單層感知器已不敷使用。
3.1. 想法
Figure 12: XOR Gate Solution ideas
Figure 13: 一佪便當吃不夠可以吃兩個
Figure 14: XOR 還輯閘的組合
3.2. 多層感知器(MLP): XOR gate 實作
3.2.1. Solution
Figure 16: XOR Gate Solution: (1)
- \(h_1(x) = x_1 + x_2 - 0.5\)
- \(h_2(x) = x_1 + x_2 - 1.5\)
Figure 17: XOR Gate Solution: (2)
\begin{align*} h_1(0,0) &= f(1\times0+1\times0–0.5) = f(-0.5) = 0\\ h_1(0,1) &= f(1\times0+1\times1-0.5) = f(0.5) = 1\\ h_1(1,0) &= f(1\times1+1\times0–0.5) = f(0.5) = 1\\ h_1(1,1) &= f(1\times1+1\times1–0.5) = f(1.5) = 1\\ \end{align*}將圖12的4個點代入\(h_2\):
\begin{align*} h_2(0,0) &= f(1\times0+1\times0–1.5) = f(-1.5) = 0\\ h_2(0,1) &= f(1\times0+1\times1-1.5) = f(-0.5) = 0\\ h_2(1,0) &= f(1\times1+1\times0–1.5) = f(-0.5) = 0\\ h_2(1,1) &= f(1\times1+1\times1–1.5) = f(0.5) = 1\\ \end{align*}由上可知:
- (0, 0)
- (0, 0)帶入第1個perceptron \(h_1(0,0)\)輸出-0.5
- (0, 0)帶入第2個perceptron \(h_2(0,0)\)輸出-1.5
- (-0.5, -1.5)再經由step function轉換輸出(0,0)
- (0, 1)
- (0, 1)帶入第1個perceptron \(h_1(0,1)\)輸出0.5
- (0, 1)帶入第2個perceptron \(h_2(0,1)\)輸出-0.5
- (0.5, -0.5)再經由step function轉換輸出(1,0)
- (1, 0)
- (1, 0)帶入第1個perceptron \(h_1(1,0)\)輸出0.5
- (1, 0)帶入第2個perceptron \(h_2(1,0)\)輸出-0.5
- (0.5, -0.5)再經由step function轉換輸出(1,0)
- (1, 1)
- (1, 1)帶入第1個perceptron \(h_1(1,1)\)輸出1.5
- (1, 1)帶入第2個perceptron \(h_2(1,1)\)輸出0.5
- (1.5, 0.5)再經由step function轉換輸出(1,1)
\begin{align*} data(0,0) &= f(h_1,h_2) = (0,0) \\ data(0,1) &= f(h_1,h_2) = (1,0) \\ data(1,0) &= f(h_1,h_2) = (1,0) \\ data(1,1) &= f(h_1,h_2) = (1,1) \\ \end{align*}這相當於透過兩個perceptron將原本的輸入做特徵空間轉換,如圖18:
Figure 18: XOR Gate Solution: (3)
Figure 19: XOR Gate Solution: (4)
Figure 20: XOR Gate Solution: (5)
1: #python code for XOR gate simulation 2: import numpy as np 3: 4: def AND(x1, x2): 5: x = np.array([x1, x2]) 6: w = np.array([0.5, 0.5]) 7: b = -0.7 8: theta = 0 9: tmp = np.sum(w*x) + b 10: if tmp <= theta: 11: return 0 12: else: 13: return 1 14: 15: def OR(x1, x2): 16: x = np.array([x1, x2]) 17: w = np.array([0.5, 0.5]) 18: b = -0.2 19: theta = 0 20: tmp = np.sum(w*x) + b 21: if tmp <= theta: 22: return 0 23: else: 24: return 1 25: 26: def NAND(x1, x2): 27: x = np.array([x1, x2]) 28: w = np.array([-0.5, -0.5]) 29: b = 0.7 30: tmp = np.sum(w*x) + b 31: if tmp <= 0: 32: return 0 33: else: 34: return 1 35: 36: def XOR(x1, x2): 37: s1 = NAND(x1, x2) 38: s2 = OR(x1, x2) 39: y = AND(s1, s2) 40: return y 41: 42: print("XOR(0,0): ", XOR(0,0)) 43: print("XOR(0,1): ", XOR(0,1)) 44: print("XOR(1,0): ", XOR(1,0)) 45: print("XOR(1,1): ", XOR(1,1))
XOR(0,0): 0 XOR(0,1): 1 XOR(1,0): 1 XOR(1,1): 0